Friday, April 15, 2011

Waiting Upon the Lord - Really??

As a follower of Jesus Christ, the phrase "wait upon the Lord" is a common enough phrase.  I even understand what it means and have received extensive training and teaching on how to apply it to my life.  But REALLY??  During times such as these?  When the future is so uncertain - even the very next day is utterly uncertain.  How -- how do I effectively "wait upon the Lord?"

It has become painfully aware that the only way to be at peace enough to actually wait for the Lord to bring about any sort of change or rescue in my life is to be close enough to Him to hear His sweet voice.  The only way to do that is to be where He is - and Jesus IS the Word - the Word of God IS Jesus.

So ... crack open that Bible folks!  It doesn't even matter where you start (though I love the book of John for beginnings), because it's all good -- and it's all God.

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