Monday, November 22, 2010

Thankful for Children

onday morning, just 3 days from Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for - I mean, really thankful for. Listening to the National Public Radio this morning, I learned that in 1960-62 a project took place to airlift children out of Cuba, alone, without parents or relatives, without possessions, and, as the speaker/author put it, into anti-Neverland - their childhoods lost forever - instantly. Ironically, the project was named "Operation Pedro Pan Flight" (Peter Pan Flight). (

Can you imagine your child (children) in that situation? When was the last time you praised your child?  Have they grown up too fast?  It's not uncommon in these days of difficulties.  Let me encourage you to wrap your child (no matter how old they are) in your arms, for no reason at all, and make them know they are loved, appreciated ... wanted.

And if you're not able to, pray for them, send a letter, record a video -- find a way, a friend, a relative -- give of yourself as soon as you can and make it count!

You won't regret it.

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